We left China yesterday, bound for Bangkok. Overall, this has been one of our most interesting and rewarding trips. This was the first time I’ve gone as a faculty member and clearly the first time I have ever brought students along. It is also the first time I’ve had two kids along (no I’m not referring to the students). It has had its share of challenges and adventures. This trip was possibly busier than any other trip to China. This time I spent more time managing and planning projects than actually collecting data (like on my dissertation research trips. We were (are) working on five projects in two countries, coordinating with three of my students, several Chinese faculty and students and several Vietnamese researchers. Here is a list of the projects that we collected data for and are currently working on.
2) E-Scooters in Vietnam: Factors Influencing Market Potential and Improvements to Local Air Quality (Luke Jones, along with Nguyen Quang and Vu Tuan (Hanoi University of Transport and Communications))-Partial Funder: Swiss Vietnam Clean Air Partnership
3) Lead Acid Battery Take-Back Policy Development and the BEST Eco-Label in Vietnam (Luke Jones and Perry Gottesfeld(OK International), along with Vietnam EPA)-Partial Funder: NCIIA
4) Illegal Pedestrian Crossing Behavior and Countermeasures (Elliott Moore, along with Xiong Jian (KMUST))-Partial Funder: UT
5) Intersection Design to Reduce Conflict and Improve Capacity (Terrance Hill, along with Xiong Jian (KMUST))-Partial Funder: National Science Foundation
Luke and Elliott left early in the week to get some R&R on the beach in Thailand. Unfortunately, they left early and my other student, Terrance, didn’t overlap with them much. He seems like he will do fine on his own though. My family and I came to Thailand yesterday and this morning I met with faculty at King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi about renewing a MoU between our Universities that has recently expired. The meeting was very promising and the all of our research interests are aligned. I think that this could be a very promising relationship. Tonight we are going to Khao Lak to take a much needed long weekend on the beach. It should be quite nice before the twenty something hour plane ride back to Knoxville. The pictures are of our beast of an SUV and the one day all of my students were in town the same day, along with Professors He Min and Xiong Jian, and students Xie Chunrong and Ren Zhong.